Well, the Vice Presidential debate disabled that technique last week. (I really shouldn't complain about the debates, since I am a Political Science major...) The other problem with my usual methods is that I don't usually need these until at least November! Where did the savvy student in me run off to so quickly this semester?
I'm not sure, but I can tell you where I sure would love to be:
Warm weather + DisneyLand + the beach + Jon =
To honor my wishful thinking, I am finally going to post some pictures from that fun week. Any suggestions or comments on how you ward off your procrastination would be appreciated! Or, if you just want to sympathize with me and tell me what you do to procrastinate, that works too.
Okay...I am just going to sympathize with you...because I just 'rewarded' myself with 5 tootsie rolls because I made it through one of my classes today...oh so sad! My ambition has run off some where too! :)
Ill sympathize because I am the queen of procrastination. I blog. Thats what I do. Instead of working. Its horrible. I usually put things off until midnight then I get a wave of motivation (or maybe panic) and work through the night. Good luck with school darling!!!
Life isn't worth living without a little procrastination! Enjoy!
Thanks so much for your comment, you are so sweet! :)
I think you guys are the best! Your pics from Disneyland are AWESOME. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
i'll sympathize too. i'm always finding a way around studying! sad, isn't it? :( haha.. bu t fun in the process. Your pictures are VERY cute!! :)
I want to be in warm weather, disneyland, with you and Jons, too.
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