A few weeks ago, Jon and I celebrated six months of marriage. I’m very aware that this is not very long, but I can’t believe how quickly time has gone since our big day. During this Thanksgiving season, I am extremely grateful for Jon.
On the night we celebrated, we just stayed at home and had a nice dinner. We talked about some of the best memories we have had since we’ve been married. We reminisced about our wedding and how beautiful and fun the entire day was. We had a wonderful wedding breakfast at the Lion House and were able to spend time with many of the people we love the most. Jon sang the song that he wrote for me last summer when we were dating. It was very special because when he wrote it he said that he was envisioning dancing together on our wedding day and that is what the lyrics are about.

It’s funny though because most of our best memories are nowhere near as glamorous as our wedding. We spent most of the time talking about memories that occurred in our every-day life. We talked about how funny many of our days were when we lived in our first apartment. Our mattress was permanently parked in the front room because it was too hot to sleep in either of the two bedrooms. When we used the kitchen sink disposal, food would come out of the bathroom drains (gross huh)! And of course, there was the obvious awkwardness for Jon because we lived in a BYU complex for single girls.
Jon is my best friend. I can’t believe how lucky I am. He is such a good husband and person. He’s so romantic!
A few weeks ago I came home to an immaculately cleaned apartment. The disaster that I had left that morning had somehow transformed into a spotless home. The piles of dishes had disappeared, the floors were vacuumed, and the bed was made. On the bed, I found a dozen roses and an incredibly delicious cinnamon sugar caramel apple “just because.”
Yesterday, I stayed in bed late because I wasn’t feeling well. Jon opened the door to the bedroom and walked in with a tray of breakfast in his hands. It was a very yummy breakfast in bed and it was much appreciated!
Despite how much I love these especially romantic moments, sometimes it’s just the prosaic moments that are a part of every-day life that mean the most to me. When Jon’s alarm rings in the five o’clock hour, despite how tired he is, he always gets up and goes to work to help provide for us. He works incredibly hard in school and is determined to do well. I’ve had a difficult time sleeping for the last two months and when I wake up in the middle of the night frustrated and sad, he sings me songs and cheers me up. He’s constantly doing the dishes and cleaning the apartment. And at the end of a hard day, I can always find happiness just spending time with him.
oh, you guys are so cute. And sorry to hear about Michigan. :(
Wow, six months DID go by fast, it doesn't seem that long ago that we were at your reception! We actually stopped by Wal-Mart on our way to our hotel to get snacks too--receptions give you an appetite!!
Ok that is the cutest post I have ever read!! I was so excited to see all your cute pics!! I can't believe it's been six months already, crazy!! You guys are the best :)
What a sweet post Celeste! You have a great guy. Such a romantic! I love that he cleaned your apartment and gave you flowers....too sweet!
Isn't it crazy how quickly times flies by? Pretty soon you are going to be married for a LONG time like us! hehe
I loved your pictures-your dancing took me back to your reception and how happy you two looked! Congrats on 6 months!
I LOVE LOVE ALL of your pictures! You are so beautiful. Cute post :)
i'm learning how to comment again!
Beautiful pictures. What can I say? You two were meant to be!
You guys are so adorable! I wanted to go to your reception SO badly, but I had to work that night. Lame, I know.
Anyway, I need to quit being such a slacker and post some pics from my wedding so you can sort of meet my adorable husband!!
Celeste, you the most beautiful bride ever. I'm serious. I want to be you when I grow up.
so so so so so so so cute. (i could've written like 100 more so's, but you get the idea). i'm so glad i got to see your gorgeous reception...and you in your gorgeous dress that day. you guys looked so happy then...and look even happier now. what an amazing thing it is to find your best friend and enjoy all of life's ups and downs together! you are lovely in every way. i feel so lucky to know you two!
It looks like you got yourself a keeper! Congrats on your 6-month mark! It has been fun to see you around campus! ;)
thanks for the interesting information
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