Home from work sick again +
Trying to get rest so I can get better without dieing of boredom =
Another Blog Post!
So, here's the question of the day:
What does one of our favorite summer shows
Iron Chef
have to do with my summer job at
Sugar Sweet Corn?
Iron Chef
have to do with my summer job at
Sugar Sweet Corn?

That's right-the "secret ingredient" on the last Iron Chef episode we watched was melon! The main melons they used were watermelon, cantaloupe, and crenshaw-the same melons I sell every day at the stand.
It was really fun to see all of the different dishes made with melons at the forefront. They bruleed, grilled, pureed, and baked the melons into several succulent dishes. It was especially interesting because each of the dishes required a frozen element--the Commisioner seemed to be craving a brain freeze.
Despite the fact that there are a lot of cynics out there complaining about how Iron Chef is a lot less challenging than it appears because before each episode, the chefs know in advance if they will be chosen to compete and have a list of possibilities of what the "secret" ingredient will be, I still love the show. The cynics can change the channel, but leave me to enjoy Iron Chef- blissful in my naivety that the chefs never fall short of instantaneously creative culinary genius.

It was really fun to see all of the different dishes made with melons at the forefront. They bruleed, grilled, pureed, and baked the melons into several succulent dishes. It was especially interesting because each of the dishes required a frozen element--the Commisioner seemed to be craving a brain freeze.
Despite the fact that there are a lot of cynics out there complaining about how Iron Chef is a lot less challenging than it appears because before each episode, the chefs know in advance if they will be chosen to compete and have a list of possibilities of what the "secret" ingredient will be, I still love the show. The cynics can change the channel, but leave me to enjoy Iron Chef- blissful in my naivety that the chefs never fall short of instantaneously creative culinary genius.
Phew, you updated your blog! It is super super cute! I think Iron chef is so cool. Too bad we don't have cable.
One of dad's favorite shows is Iron Chef...who knew! I keep hoping it will inspire him to cook but so far no deal. But it's nice to know we have a melon expert in the fam!
Celeste, who is the melon expert? Love ,Dad.
That would be you dad : )
i love iron chef! totally got into it this summer. so i have to tell you something funny- for some reason, until today, i read your blog title to say, miller me-mo....like two separate words. i always wondered what it meant. finally today, i realized that it wasn't me- mo...but MEMO. i am sitting here giggling to myself for being such an idiot!!! haha. anyway, so we'd love to have you guys over sometime...where are you living?? xoxo
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