Jon and I have a new best friend. You may have heard of him- Harold B. Lee?
The Harold B. Lee library, that is. Somehow, somehow, I am going to have to find it in my being to not despise the library. I have already come to the painful realization of how many hours, no days, of my life I will be spending here again at the onset of this new semester.
Since I am now finishing my upper-division Political Science courses, the majority of my semester will consist of major research papers. The positive side of this is that I am free to explore numerous topics that interest me with a distinct research design for each of my classes. The downfall of this academic all-you-can-eat is that I can count on being at the library as close to 24/7 as humanly possible.
In the meantime, I am sure you will all be on the edge of your seat, just waiting to hear if I choose to focus my research on divisive primary election outcomes in newly democratic nations or Islamic authoritarianism and female empowerment. Please, please, I know its exciting but try to keep your shirt on while I deliberate. I promise to keep you all posted the moment I decide. Ok, who am I kidding? Is anyone still reading this?
Oh how I miss the days when my biggest stresses were making sure my cute little red wagon didn't run out of corn, my adorable husband had dinner on his plate each night, and that we didn't miss Deal or No Deal.
BACK TO SCHOOL: The newlywed days of a blissfully carefree summer schedule are officially over.
Hey Celeste! Thanks for the comment. I had seen your blog on Tori's blog. :) Publishing your blog is easy (so they say) with blurb.com. You just have to download the software on the website, then you can edit any posts that you have created--into a book. Its great, because I don't keep a journal, and have found that my blog is my journal now. I'm still learning the details on how to publish it, and I know there are several other websites that can do it too--but blurb.com is specically for bloggers. Sorry for the LONG comment. I'll let you know more details though when i get it figured out. :)
Oh, there's no question about it, Celeste. Female empowerment! Right ON sista!
I remember dating Harry extensively throughout my college days. Even slept there a number of times. But haven't we all...
I have to say, even though it is super hard, enjoy these days! Life gets better and better, it's true, but college days are one part of my life I would actually go back and do again... I loved it so much. Well, I think right now is great, too. You guys look like you are living it up.
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