Everyone has that friend, you know the one who no matter how long its been since you have seen each other, whenever you get to talk to them, you pick it up like you haven't missed a beat in each other's lives? Thats Kim for me.
We met when her family moved into my ward my senior year (her whole family is adorably wonderful)! We sat next to each other in Young Womens and after striking up a conversation, I swear we were best friends overnight. She came into my life right when I needed a good friend, I am so grateful for her!
I have so many awesome memories with Kimmy, mainly just the things girls love to do--talk about boys, have sleep overs, watch movies, talk about boys, go shopping, eat gelato, talk about boys, go on double dates, talk about boys... Remember when we rode our bikes to Blockbuster in Layton?!? Beyond the fun times, Kim and I were there for each other through heartbreaks and hard times, and I couldn't have asked for a better support. She's such a good friend.
I cried a ton at her wedding, knowing things would probably never be the same between us again. Let's be honest, she's got a much better sleepover pal than me now! The tears on her wedding were also happy tears--Chance and Kim are perfect for each other. And their baby girl Marley is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to hold her.
Kimmy, I hope you had a wonderful 21st birthday! I love you!
P.S. I owe you a birthday lunch!
Aw Celeste that is so cute! You are so sweet and such a great friend. I love it. I hope to see you so soon. Love Kimmy
Celeste, I saw your blog on Katie's site. You guys are so cute together! How are things? Are you both still in school?
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