You know when you need to focus on a task but all your mind can think is "pizza would be great right now" or "a salad would be nice"? Well, I was writing away in a computer lab on BYU campus and pretty soon I was dreaming up all sorts of food combinations that would satisfy my distracting cravings. Regardless of my true desire to endure, it wasn't long before I found myself climbing the stairs to the main level of the building and heading across campus to get some food.
As soon as I opened the doors to the cold outside air, I regretted leaving my coat on the chair in the computer lab. When it comes to the cold, I am such a baby. (If you don't believe me, just ask Jon. My laundry piles up for weeks just because I don't want to carry it out in the cold to the laundry room for our apartment complex.) In a short-sleeved sweater, I knew I wouldn't last long so I decided to just bee-line it to the WILK as quickly as possible (aka as close as humanly possible to a sprint without getting too many weird looks.)
At five-thirty every evening, the ROTC guys retire the American flag on campus for the day. As they do this, the national anthem is played loudly so it can be heard across campus. Mid-sprint, I heard the anthem begin and a moral debate immediately started in my head. I was freezing, snow was attacking my bare arms, and the last thing I wanted to do was stop in my tracks long enough for the cold to start setting in under my skin.
Well, the respectable part of me won out and I stopped, turned toward the service, and put my hand on my heart. I wish I could effectively convey the spirit that quickly entered my heart as I paused to honor the vitality of America. As I looked around at the many busy students around me, pausing to give reverence to our nation, I noticed I had goosebumps. Granted, that may have had something to do with the cold, but I was truly touched by the essence of our national anthem. Surprisingly, when the anthem ended, I wasn't nearly as eager to immediately bolt to the student center. As I walked, I reflected on the many blessings that I constantly take for granted as an American.
As a political science student, I have had the opportunity to study many different types of government organizations. The more I study comparative politics and international relations, the more gratitude I have for living in America. I truly believe that America is a sacred land and that the founders of our nation were inspired. As I listened to the anthem this evening, I thought "why was I so blessed to be born here when so many others are born into far less ideal circumstances?"
I believe that with great blessings come great responsibility. And we, my friends, have been immensely blessed far beyond our ability to comprehend. In times of difficulty and opposition, I hope we can retain a realistic perspective of how truly lucky we are despite our trials. In times of prosperity and peace, I hope we can remember that not everyone is as blessed as we are, and find ways to give of our time and resources.
And for me, I will apply this principle TODAY as I sit back down to finish the paper I started earlier and each subsequent assignment I need to complete. As I face a never-ending "To-Do" list, I will remember that my perpetual tasks are only a reflection of a life only possible in a land of opportunity.

I love your posts!! You sound like you are pretty dang busy girl! 17 credit hours?? ugh I can barely handle 12! haha. and I so agree, we are so lucky to live in America and to have all the blessings it offers us.
Great post and great perspective! I, too, had internal debates of whether to stop in when it was freezing outside, but I was always glad that I did. We are extremely blessed to live where we do, and your post did a great job putting that in perspective!
What a great post Celeste! Very well put. I remember sitting in my car at 7:30 in the morning dreading to step out into the cold. Inevitably, as soon as I did the anthem would start playing. Despite the cold, I'm glad I would stop and it is nice to think about how blessed this nation really is.
Good luck with your very busy life!
Great post girl... Here here!
Cardamon bread is a real tasty treat that you can toast or just eat plain. It's pretty tough to make (I think that's why we only do it once a year) but so worth it! When you're at the store next time smell Cardamon in the spices and you'll kinda see what it tastes like. Toasted with some butter is our favorite!!! :)
I love you Celeste! You are adorable. Great post.
Headers: go to and you can make your own scrapbook pages with all sorts of fun things! When you are ready to put them on your header, just publish your scrapblog, then go to file, export as jpeg. It will ask you to save it somewhere on your computer, then just upload it to your header! I always click the button that says "Shrink to fit" then it doesn't looks silly! if you have any other questions, let me know!
Well said! Thanks for the reminder of how blessed we are to live in this great nation.
I really like that post. It seems our country is getting less and less patriotic all the time and it makes me sad. But yes, our records are in the Bonneville 12th ward. Though, we hardly ever go. We either attend with one of our parents' wards up in Davis County (cause we're there way too much, for events such as the Super Bowl) or we attend with the State Hospital patients, which happens to be at the same time as our church. (When the bishop gave us this calling, he didn't realize he would be assigning us to attend a different ward, but we still like it). Is that the ward you guys are going to?
ok, i'm hoping this comment will actually connect with your blog. yes, i'm the remedial blogger in the family. anyway, i love your new blog top (whatever that is called).so, so cute! sounds like you are both busy students! anyway, i'm going to try writing my own blog spot on our blog. wish me luck! mom
Yay Celeste! Your blog is awesome! Really one of the best I've seen. I love your thoughtful posts. I usually have no idea what to write about so write silly things, but it makes me happy to read these great ideas :) You are wonderful! And your blog header is AMAZING! I am super impressed. I definitely want help now on mine!!! :) :) :)
Yes, we'll have to stop by sometime. We're just down the way a few doors. We should get together one of these days and potluck or something. We could play games too!
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