Anyway, this is how you can help me. I have narrowed my topic and research question down for the paper. I am planning to discuss American vigilantes in popular culture, or those who take the law into their own hands, or "cut through red tape." I would like to explore different situations in which the protagonist in film or literature has been frustrated by the limitations of the law and ineffective government responses and has acted beyond their normally appropriate boundaries in order to resolve a problem or remedy a crime. (Think "Dark Knight" or "Oceans 13".) Other examples that people have given me so far include the "Count of Monte Cristo", the german film "M", and "Brick."
I know you are all a bunch of smarty pants, so please help me out. I am not limited to scholarly articles or classic novels... think of a movie you've watched lately or a really good book you've read where the "hero figure" is really breaking the law but you find yourself rooting for them because they feel justified in their cause. Or just any book or movie where the main character breaks the law in order to promote justice because the police just can't do anything, etc. Brainstorming materials now will help give me adequate time to develop my ideas (without causing another strike from my mind and body), so thanks in advance for your help.
Theres always The Italian Job he steals but we're okay cuz their stealing from a bad guy, The Da Vinci Code where he steals the declaration of independence but we're okay with it cuz its really a treasure map :) Robin Hood...steal from rich to give to poor, you could even go as far as twilight with the killing of other bad vampires and as simple as speeding, um, hm...thats all i can think of off the top of my head...ill have to keep thinking
You should check out a lot of superhero movies, Spiderman, X-men, Daredevil, (stay away from cat woman though. No one deserves that torture)stuff like that. You should also check out "V for Vendetta" both the graphic novel and the movie. "The Watchmen" would also be a good graphic novel to check out. if you're into classic movies, a lot of the noir genre are about things like that. Check out "The Maltese Falcon" with Humphrey Bogart.
Your blog is so cute. How did you do all of that fun stuff?
I don't know if tv counts, but basically every episode of 24 is Jack Bauer doing something against the law, but saving the world at the same time.
Oh Celeste, I wish that I was a TV watcher, movie-goer, book reader (well besides textbooks) for you right now! I haven't seen anything for so long that I don't have anything good for ya! (besides what has already been mentioned) :) If I come across something I will most definitely send it your way, but I will always send you good luck and prayers!! :) I'm sure you will do an incredible job!
There is a Swedish film (also a book) called, Let The right One In. It was recently showing at the Broadway Theater. It's a vampire/love story- normally not my thing and although seeming a bit inert at times it was actually quite engaging and compatible to your topic of interest. The vampire is constantly on the heals of trouble within the town but in the end all you can hope for is her acheiving contentment. Check it out if you haven't heard of it. (I'm Tiffanie's sister- saw your post through her blog, so...nice to meet you and good luck with your project!)
Ocean's Eleven (and 12 and 13) the protagonists are thieves and you want them to win. Also 21 is a newer one, also involving casinos. They cheat at blackjack in order to make a ton of money.
Hey, I'm so glad I found your blog! Thanks for the heads up. It's a little embarrassing how much I enjoy reading about other people's lives...ha, ha. My best recommendation for this project would be The Grapes of Wrath. I've never actually read the book (pathetic), but the movie is fantastic. Henry Fonda is an old school hottie! I'll let you know if I think of anything else...
Dude, I have a drama/arts in theater class and I get to watch TV for it every week! It rocks. Cute header by the way!
I have one!! The TV series 'House' is about a doctor that breaks rules to save his patients - basically in every episode...hopefully that helps a little bit! :)
Wow Jack Bauer in "24" breaks the law like every episode. However you love him for it because he stops the evil bad guys!
Another one is "A Time to Kill" - This father takes the law into his own hands when his daughter gets raped. Dad goes after the men and kills them and then is put on trial.
jack bauer immediately comes to mind from 24...
let's see who else....i'm going to think about it and get back to you because i started trying to think and i almost dozed off (it's past my bedtime). i love you.
Hey thanks! And we missed you tonight. You should've seen them with their swords and shields. I have pics though!
The first one that came to my mind was "A Time to Kill" but someone already said that. Vince Flynn is an amazing author and probably all his books would work but "Term Limits" is a really good one for your topic. '
Can you use scripture stories? I went to the U where scriptural references would probably get you an F but I would think it would be different at the Y...I was thinking of Nephi and Laban.
You should also look up this scripture D&C 98:23-31
In the movie, "school of rock", jack black lies and says he's a school teacher but then he ends up teaching the kids life lessons and all that good stuff. And that movie is good anyways because chance and i had our first kiss while watching it. Let's see...That's all I can think of. Just go watch it :)
Yeah! I definitely would love to go with you up to Logan so say hi to Scott sometime! Weekends are always best for us, but I don't have work on Fridays either, so after noon on Friday through the weekends are perfect for me!
Chris thought of the Shawshank Redemption.
I think almost every movie does in some way. From the action packed Fugitive to the kid movie, Parent Trap (okay, it wasn't illegal, but against parental rules), to even chic flicks like (what's the name of that one with Reese W. & she is a ghost in her old apartment).
If you've ever seen John Q... it's about a guy who can't afford his sons health care so he basically holds a bunch of doctors hostage until they help patients.
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