Thursday, December 11, 2008

We really hate to do this

Dear Celeste, 

It is with a heavy heart that we infect your precious blog with pessimism, but we have been silent for far too long.  

Remember last semester when you left several of your major writing assignments and finals to the last minute?  Well, we cut you some slack because you were planning a wedding, but do you recall how you promised us that you had learned your lesson and that your procrastination days were over?  We are beginning to wonder if we have different definitions of the word "promise."

We can't take this much longer.  Is it too much to ask to get seven hours of sleep a night?  I mean, we prefer more like nine or ten, but we try our best not to get too greedy.  But every morning when that blasted thing cries out to us, we want to throw the alarm out the window and watch it shatter into a million, gajillion pieces.

In attempt to meet deadlines, you ask us to come up with creative intellectual remarks in the middle of the night, so you can hand in your papers and get your A the next morning.  Do you know what kind of pressure that puts on us?  And what were you thinking taking on a new job this week?  You realize there are still only 24 hours in a day, right?

Remember the glory days of fifteen minute, hot showers?  We hate this five minute in-and-out business.  Lamo.  Likewise, your hair has been permanently parked in some sort of knot on the top of your head every day this week--do you really think that is flattering?  And trust us, you DO look better with makeup.

We are officially filing for a raise.  We refuse to continue to work overtime without extra compensation.  And you owe us big time over Christmas break.


With kindest regards,

Your mind and body 


Anonymous said...

Haha, seriously this is so hilarious. My brain was like, "Hey Tiff? This sounds ALL too familiar." :) It's what I do best...

Michelle said...

That was so funny. You have such a fun sense of humor Celeste.

I really hope you get everything done you need to and still get some sleep. You are amazing!

HDVB said...

I got one of those letters too!!! Sheesh our bodies are such complainers!! :) They need to get used to it, only a few more years of this and then they can relax.

P.S. you are too cute! ENjoy the break!

Lisa said...

That gave me a great laugh this morning--good luck getting everything done! Just one more week, right?

Kelli K said...

i love your writing. i don't know why my links don't work, it doesn't work on Cortnies blog either. it's dumb. i think you have always been a procrastinator... at least from what i remember! ;)

* said...

Haha I feel the same exact way!! Not doing my make up and hair has been bad this semester. boo. Where is all my time??

Brooke and Jonny said...

That is hilarious! I love the picture at the bottom, cute!

paige said...

too funny!! Good luck with the end of the semester...I hope your break from US today was helpful!

Marie said...

Ha ha ha!! That was so cute! I was laughing lots! I think my body tells me that a lot, also, but it's usually over sleep deprivation caused by motherhood.

Good luck with your new job and EVERYTHING else.

Kimberly Nan said...

Celeste, you are amazing!

kimmy said...

OH MY GOSH!! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Next time I want a cleaver thing written for my blog, I'm coming to you. Hope you're having fun. Love ya

Megano said...

Love it! Story of my life... I totally put off my final paper until last night and ended up working on it until all hours of the night...BUT it is all done now, and only one more to go! WOOHOO!!! Days of doing nothing here I come!

Angela said...

I hear you on that one. I definitely need more than 24 hours in a day.

Cassie said...

We got them at Target, and I think you should get some too.

Cassie said...

I am totally willing to share the joy of the onezie pajama. It would be an honor.

e said...

You are brilliant. You should submit this to the school paper or magazine . . . I'm sure they have both, right?

ClaysJenna said...

you crack me up...loved the post. made me laugh out loud! you are darling my dear!!

C and MC said...

You are so creative, and I am so stupid. I have to read to like the 3rd paragraph to really understand the concept of the post.

J S said...

Hey there! It was a nice Christmas present to see your guys' comment on my blog! Yeah you can throw me on your long list of other blogs :-) I might be coming to you guys for advice, seeing as how you're already accomplished economists and politicians...I hope you had a great New Years -good luck with the new semester!

Rachel said...

You're the silliest. I think you should start a column in a newspaper or something, you crack me up so much. Do you also remember how we always say we're gonna hang out? Yeah, I have issues too keeping to those kinds of promises. What's the deal with us?

Rachel said...

and P.S. I know the story all too well...those dang Independent Study classes will get you every time.

Briana said...

Hey! Look who we found now that we blog! And can I just say that I am very comforted to know that you will be there when we get back to provo in the fall?

Lynette said...

I know this might sound crazy, but I think we're neighbors. You probably have no idea who I am, I was a year younger than you and Jon at good ole DHS, but I swear I saw Jon the other day at our apartment complex.

Jay Elle Photography said...

Ha ha! YES! I'm sure of it, Jon just walked by our window as I was reading this! Hi Neighbor!